Manuel Caliumi
Appears on:MANUEL CALIUMI is an Italian saxophone player. He graduated cum laude at “A. Boito” Conservatory in Parma then he earned his Master’s Degree at “F. Venezze” Conservatory in Rovigo cum laude and academic mention. He attended some jazz workshop as Siena Jazz, Umbria Jazz, Nuoro Jazz, Arcevia Jazz, Veneto Jazz. He won a scolarship for the Columbia College Chicago then he took lessons with David Binney, Melissa Aldana and Loren Stillman in New York. He received the “Premio Luca Flores” and “Premio Marco Tamburini”; was one of the finalist of the “Premio Massimo Urbani”; he won the “Concorso Chicco Bettinardi” and the “Barga Jazz Contest”. he won the national audition as lead alto saxophone of the “ONJ – Orchestra Nazionale Jazz”. He’s member of several original and he played with different orchestras: Jazz Art Orchestra, Orchestra Nazionale Jazz, Parma Frontiere Orchestra, Civica Jazz Band, Reunion Big Band, Tai-No Orchestra). He played in some international festivals: Umbria Jazz, Praga Jazz Festival (CZ), Jaipur Music Stage (India), Italian Cultural Institute (Tel Aviv, Parigi, Bruxelles, Colonia, Oslo, Strasbourg, Madrid), Canadian Cultural Centre (FR), Jazz Showcase Chicago (USA), Jazzycolors Festival (FR), Jazz à La Citè (FR), Balkan Jazz Showcase (AL)